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Что такое NFP?

The Non-Farm Payrolls is one of the most critical monthly economic indicators. This major report shows how many new jobs were created within US companies.

The results are divided into industry groups, and as the name suggests, it excludes the agricultural sector.

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Когда публикуется?

It is released on the first Friday of each month, reporting on the figures of the previous month. Traditionally, it has a powerful influence on the US dollar and can form long-term market trends.

Как NFP влияет на рынок?

Higher employment rates may indicate the expansion of national companies, potentially impacting the stock market. Moreover, an increase in potential consumer spending would lead to economic growth. NFP also reports about the working time spent and the average wage rate, the growth of which can lead to higher interest rates.

If data is better than the forecast, it often pushes the EURUSD chart down. CFDs often most impacted by the NFP are FX Pairs with US Dollar.

Be prepared for increased volatility, especially in the moments before and after the publication.

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Если значение индикатора в календаре оказывается лучше прогноза, инвесторы начинают открывать больше сделок на покупку национальной валюты.

Если данные хуже ожиданий, трейдеры, как правило, начинают продавать доллар США.

Чем больше разница между прогнозом и фактическим значением, тем сильнее отреагирует рынок. Если же значение индикатора соответствует прогнозу, реакция рынка будет менее заметна..

For example, if the employment rate was previously expected to be 500k but then unexpectedly fell to 220k, the value of the dollar would likely fall as a result of such negative financial news.
However, it is important to remember that trading on news involves significant risk of loss.

Sometimes the foreign exchange market does not react to the news in the way that most traders expect. An example would be if the unemployment rate increased, but at the same time, the number of new jobs in the US private sector (NFP) also increased.

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